We hope to see you back in June 2025!

00d 00h 00m 00s

HESTL EdCON is a statewide conference designed to elevate library services and instruction for K-12 youth, uniting school library professionals, their public library collaborators, and advocates for strong school libraries. Session topics focus on student-centered practice and reflect the five essential areas of the Colorado Department of Education’s Highly Effective Schools Through Libraries (HESTL) program: Planning, Leadership, Instruction, Management and Environment.

To increase accessibility and offset travel costs, the Colorado State Library is committed to offering this in-person event at no cost to participants. Thank you to our generous sponsors for making this possible.

Keynote Speaker: Shannon McClintock Miller

Shannon McClintock Miller is an international speaker, consultant and author who has a passion for education, librarianship, advocacy, technology, social media and making a difference in the world and lives of others, especially children. Shannon serves as the K-12 district teacher librarian and innovation director at Van Meter Community School District in Iowa. She is also the Future Ready Librarians Spokesperson working with the Alliance of Excellent Education in Washington DC. Shannon is an avid blogger at The Library Voice, writing, speaking and consulting on librarianship, education and students around the world. She is also the author of several children’s and professional books including Sonia’s Digital World coming out in June 2023 with Capstone and ISTE.